Monday, June 21, 2010

Working hard and another Welcome

I've achieved more than I thought I would these past few days, although I am having problems with the batteries for my camera and can't take pictures at present.  To have a change from flower making I started on a kit for a doll's pram, which only needs a finishing touch that I need to do at home.  I lack the tools where I am at present. 

Yesterday we had our monthly meeting in Brisbane of our Dollshouse and Miniatures Club where I took the photo album workshop.  Since it was a repeat workshop and there was another one finishing off from last month there weren't many takers, although that never worries me.  With only a few one can pay more attention to the workshoppers and make sure they are going home happy with a properly finished mini.

Here are a few photos for the sake of your entertainment.   ;-)

Bettye, the lovely member and friend that gave me the black cat for my witch's cottage, knew that I was going to do Rik Pierce's market hall next year. She'd had a good clean-out at home and brought me some pheasants and a hare and a box with a few oranges made from Fimo by another member and friend who has passed away a few years ago. Very kind and indeed, these little treasures are very special for this reason. When my camera will be agreeable again I'll take some piccies and show them to you.

First I am going to give my eye a bit of a rest, because since the mishap with my little cat the other day a bruise has developed on my retina. I've seen my opthalmologist this morning and fortunately he could assure me that it only was a bruise and not (yet) a detached retina, for which I was very scared. I have to be careful for a while though, because things can still go wrong.

I also need to welcome a great number of new followers since I last posted some news.  I keep it brief this time, but I can assure you that all their blogs, insofar they have one, are very much worth having a look at (although you may recognise a few shared ones of course....).

Here goes.  A warm welcome to:

Oiseau deNim from Le Petit Monde d'Oiseau
Dora from Miniatures Dora
Bastrota from Bastrotas Blog
Alafosca from Altafulla Miniatures
Cockerina from Les Minis di Cockerina
Annie from Obsidian Hall
Heleni from Tres Petit Blanc
Michelle from Little Rabbit Miniatures
Lucia Gabriele from Case di Bambola
Debbie Lee from The Little Saints Nursery
Anama from Anamavesi Minis
Eva from Mini Escenas y Manualdidades
Nancy Mastwijk from Dollshousehobby
Marie Whomes from Witchwonders Dollhouse Miniatures

Please let me know if a link doesn't work.  I have been known to make mistakes now and then. :-)

Then there are two more followers for whom I could not find a blog: Garoldhart and Elis.  Please let me know if you do have a blog and I place your link here as well.  For all of you, thank you so much for your interest in my blog.

I am actually surprised to see already 53 followers.  Since I am a slow worker I'd better be prepared and start on a giveway, because I plan to have a giveaway ready when I reach the count of 100!!!  Please, not too soon. LOL
In the meantime I'll keep in touch and wish you all a nice day or a good night, depending on where you are out there. Nice of you to have paid me a visit in blogland...


  1. Liebe Marion,
    heute ist dein Fotoalbum angekommen. Ich freue mich sehr darüber - wie großzügig von dir -.
    Ich werde mich revangieren und vielen Dank.

    Ich staune wie viele Leute in dem Club sind, aber auch toll, oder

    Liebe Grüße von

  2. Keinen Dank. Ich freue mich das es so schnell angekommen ist. Ich wuensche dich viel Vergnuegen und ich hoffe dass du eine nette Platz finden fuer das Album. Liebe Gruesse

  3. Hoi Marion,

    Ik zag dat je deze maand in de Dolls House Nederland staat.Wat ontzettend leuk om te lezen zeg!En nog leuker is het om dan nu foto's van jullie club-huis te mogen bewonderen,nou krijg ik het beeld er ook gelijk bij.Superleuk om te horen en te zien dat er in Australie nog zoveel mensen zijn die aan deze geweldige hobby doen en er zoveel moeite voorover hebben om toch 1x per maand bij elkaar te komen.

    En nog bedankt voor het meedenken over het dak van mijn nieuwe poppenhuis,je hebt idd helemaal gelijk het huis is te hoog voor een rieten dak.
    Het gaat nu idd een leien dak worden...ik heb een mooi schetsboek tussen mijn spullen gevonden waarin mooi bewerkt aquarelpapier zit wat ook nog eens erg stevig is,dat wil ik dus gaan gebruiken om dak-leien van te maken en ik hoop dat ik genoeg papier ervoor heb.

    Lieve groetjes,Marleen

  4. Wat een aardige reaktie, Marleen. Ik zit met smart te wachten op de DHN, want ik heb het artikel nog niet zelf kunnen zien. We doen hier in Australie idd veel aan de hobby en in clubverband kan dat erg gezellig zijn.
    Ik ben blij dat je een besluit hebt kunnen nemen ten aanzien van je huis. Een leien dak is ook mooi. Neem niet te dun papier hoor. Stevige kaart werkt beter, vooral als je gaat verven. Hier worden ook wel eens de plastic sluiters (die vierkante platte vormen) gebruikt van broodzakken, maar persoonlijk heb ik die nog niet uitgeprobeerd (en je hebt er erg veel van nodig!) Veel plezier met je huis. Ik kom af en toe eens kijken hoe het ermee gaat. Tot ziens

  5. Hi Marion, So lucky that you have workshops lie this. Will Rik Pierce actually be there to conduct a workshop?

  6. Yes, Sans, we're indeed very lucky. In 2007 Rik came to Australia and I didn't have the money (knew about it too late). My friend from NZ came over to do the watermill. The year after he conducted his workshop in NZ and I went over to do the witch's cottage. Next time, he said, he would come to either New Zealand or Australia, depending on the number of people that booked from each country. New Zealand won. :-( So, I am going over to NZ again and will meet up with my friend, so that's a bonus. Imagine, this whole story to say to you: "Yes, Rik will actually be there!" He's great and I wouldn't want to miss it for the world....

  7. Hola Marion!
    Agradecida por tu recibimiento!
    Abrazos y besos enormes,


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